Crypto Wallet Under 18: A Comprehensive Guide for Teens

Welcome to our comprehensive guide for teens on crypto wallets under 18 in the United Kingdom. Cryptocurrency has become an increasingly popular investment option, even for young individuals. However, there are specific regulations and restrictions in place for those under 18 who wish to participate in the crypto market. In this article, we will address common questions such as whether it is possible to invest in crypto under 18 in the UK, if you can have a crypto wallet, what crypto apps are available, whether Coinbase can be used, and how to create a crypto wallet if you’re under 18. Let’s dive in and explore the world of crypto wallets for teens in the UK.

Can you invest in crypto under 18 UK?

So, you’re interested in investing in cryptocurrency, but you’re under 18? You might be wondering if it’s possible to invest in crypto under 18 in the UK. Let’s explore this topic and find out what options you have.

As a cryptocurrency investment consultant, I understand the enthusiasm of young individuals wanting to dive into the world of digital assets. While the legal landscape surrounding crypto investments can be complex, it is indeed possible for individuals under 18 to invest in cryptocurrencies in the UK. However, it is crucial to navigate this space cautiously and adhere to the legal requirements set forth by financial institutions and regulators.

Can I have a crypto wallet under 18?

If you’re a teenager in the United Kingdom and you’re interested in the world of cryptocurrency, you might be wondering if you can have a crypto wallet under 18. It’s an exciting space to explore, but it’s important to understand the rules and regulations surrounding crypto ownership for minors.

Age Restrictions on Crypto Exchanges

U.S.-based crypto exchanges typically require users to be at least 18 years old to create an account. This means that as a teenager, you might face some restrictions when it comes to directly accessing certain platforms. However, there are alternative options available.

Custodial Accounts for Minors

One option for teenagers who want to get involved in cryptocurrency is to create a custodial account. In a custodial account, parents or legal guardians manage the assets on behalf of the minor. This provides a legal pathway for introducing minors to crypto investments.

Apps for Teenagers

While platforms like Coinbase and Paypal have age restrictions, there are dedicated apps designed for users under 18. Bitnob is a popular app that offers custodial wallet features and allows users to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum using linked bank accounts or cards. Asset Block and Piggybank are also great options for teens looking to buy crypto.

The Role of Adults

It’s important to note that minors cannot buy financial assets on their own. Adults, typically parents or legal guardians, need to establish custodial accounts for them. This ensures compliance with regulations and provides a safe and secure way for teens to participate in the cryptocurrency market.

No Age Restrictions for Wallet Ownership

While there are age restrictions on certain cryptocurrency exchanges, there are no age restrictions for owning a crypto wallet itself. A crypto wallet does not know your age, so you can technically set up a wallet at any age.

Age Restrictions on Buying Crypto

Many cryptocurrency exchanges require users to be 18 or older to create an account and buy crypto. However, some exchanges may allow teens to participate with parental consent. It’s important to research and find exchanges that are more inclusive for younger users.

Remember, there is technically no age limit to buy crypto, but many exchanges have a minimum age requirement of 18 years old. This is mainly to comply with regulatory standards and ensure responsible trading.

So, if you’re a teenager in the UK interested in owning a crypto wallet, you have options. Explore custodial accounts, consider dedicated apps for teens, and involve an adult to help you navigate the process. With the right approach, you can start your crypto journey even before turning 18.

As a cryptocurrency advisor, I have guided numerous teenagers in their journey of exploring the crypto world. While age restrictions exist on certain crypto exchanges, it is essential for minors to understand that owning a crypto wallet itself has no age limitations. By creating custodial accounts and utilizing dedicated apps designed for teens, young individuals can safely enter the cryptocurrency market with the guidance of their parents or legal guardians. It’s never too early to start learning about digital assets and their potential for future financial growth.

What crypto app can I use under 18?

If you’re under 18 and eager to get started with cryptocurrencies, you might be wondering which crypto apps are available for you. While some popular exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken have age restrictions and require users to be at least 18 years old, there are still options available for teens.

One option is to use peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms that allow buying and selling crypto without ID verification. Platforms such as LocalCryptos, Paxful, and LocalBitcoins can be great choices. Keep in mind that these platforms may have restrictions on the amount of crypto you can transact.

If you’re aged 18 and below, you can also explore existing crypto trading apps like Binance, Gemini, Kraken, CoinDCX, and Coinswitch Kuber. These platforms typically require users to meet the minimum age requirement and complete the necessary KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures.

For those interested in trading crypto as a minor, there are P2P platforms like Bisq, HodlHodl, and These platforms offer trading services without age restrictions but may still have certain limitations or requirements.

Additionally, there are some exchanges that do not have strict KYC requirements, such as Kucoin. These exchanges can be used regardless of age, providing an opportunity for younger individuals to engage in crypto trading.

When it comes to wallets, there are several options available for teens under 18. MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, and Trust Wallet are popular choices for storing and managing cryptocurrencies securely.

Another option is Stack, a crypto platform that welcomes investors under the age of 18 through custodial accounts. This platform allows teens to invest in cryptocurrencies with the assistance of a custodian.

Furthermore, Revolut <18 is an account specifically designed for teens to participate in crypto transactions. It offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features tailored to younger users.

It’s important to note that while there are no minimum age restrictions to use cryptocurrency, most regulated crypto apps and exchanges have age requirements. However, some platforms offer guardian-assisted accounts, allowing minors to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with the guidance of a guardian.

In certain cases, you may also find anonymous accounts on decentralized exchanges (DEX) like Kine, which can be created by individuals under 18.

Keep in mind that regulations and requirements may vary depending on your country. For example, in the United States, most crypto exchanges require users to be at least 18 years old, while Bitcoinprijzen in the Netherlands allows individuals under 18 to purchase cryptocurrency using iDEAL.

Overall, while there are limitations and restrictions for individuals under 18, there are still several crypto apps and platforms that can be used to start your crypto journey. Make sure to do your research, understand the terms and conditions, and prioritize the security of your funds before diving into the world of cryptocurrencies.

As a cryptocurrency educator, I have seen the growing interest among young individuals to explore the world of cryptocurrencies. While many popular exchanges have age restrictions, there are alternative options available for teens. Peer-to-peer platforms like LocalCryptos and Paxful allow buying and selling crypto without ID verification, providing an avenue for younger users to get involved. It’s also worth exploring existing crypto trading apps like Binance and Gemini, as they may have age requirements but offer opportunities for minors to engage in crypto trading. Additionally, wallets like MyEtherWallet and Trust Wallet provide secure storage solutions for teens under 18. Remember to always research and prioritize the security of your funds before venturing into the crypto world.

Can I use Coinbase under 18?

One of the most common questions among teens interested in cryptocurrency is whether they can use Coinbase, a popular crypto exchange, if they are under 18. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Coinbase’s Terms of Service clearly state that users must be at least 18 years old to access their services. So, if you’re a 17-year-old looking to dive into the world of crypto, you’ll have to wait a little longer.

It’s important to note that this age restriction isn’t specific to Coinbase alone. Many other reputable crypto exchanges, such as Binance and Kraken, also have a minimum age requirement of 18. So, if you’re under 18, you may face similar limitations when it comes to accessing various crypto platforms.

While it might be disappointing to learn that you can’t use Coinbase just yet, there are still options available for you to explore the world of cryptocurrencies. One alternative is to have a parent or guardian create a Coinbase account on your behalf. However, keep in mind that you won’t be able to access the account or carry out transactions until you reach the age of 18.

It’s worth mentioning that there are other crypto apps and wallets available that cater specifically to younger users. These platforms are designed with age restrictions in mind, allowing teens to create crypto wallets and engage in limited cryptocurrency activities. Some popular options include apps like BitPay and Trust Wallet, which offer user-friendly interfaces and features suitable for teenagers.

While Coinbase may not be an option for you right now, it’s essential to understand the reasons behind these age restrictions. Cryptocurrency transactions involve financial risks, and regulations are in place to protect both users and the platforms themselves. By adhering to these rules, exchanges like Coinbase ensure compliance with legal requirements and maintain a secure environment for their users.

So, if you’re under 18 and eager to get involved in the crypto space, don’t worry! Although you can’t use Coinbase at the moment, there are still opportunities for you to learn about and explore cryptocurrencies. Consider exploring other crypto apps, discussing the topic with your parents or guardians, and educating yourself about the risks and benefits associated with crypto investments.

As a cryptocurrency analyst, I understand the frustration that comes with being under 18 and unable to use platforms like Coinbase. However, it’s crucial to recognize that age restrictions are in place to ensure the safety and security of users. While waiting for the right time to access Coinbase, take advantage of alternative platforms designed for younger users, such as BitPay and Trust Wallet. Use this opportunity to learn about cryptocurrencies, discuss the topic with your parents or guardians, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the risks and benefits involved in crypto investments.

How to make a crypto wallet under 18?

If you’re under 18 and interested in getting into the world of cryptocurrencies, you might be wondering if it’s possible to have a crypto wallet at your age. The good news is that there are options available for you to create a crypto wallet without any age restrictions.

Using custodial wallet apps for under 18 users

One popular option for teens is to use custodial wallet apps that cater specifically to users under 18. One such app is Bitnob, which allows you to buy bitcoin or Ethereum using linked bank accounts or cards. It provides custodial wallet features with daily purchase limits, ensuring that you can safely and securely store your cryptocurrencies.

Assistance from parents

If you’re not able to use custodial wallet apps on your own, you can consider seeking assistance from your parents. They can open a custodial account for you to purchase cryptocurrencies under their guidance and supervision. This way, you can still participate in the crypto market and learn about managing digital assets.

Crypto wallets and age restrictions

It’s important to understand that proper crypto wallets themselves do not have any age restrictions. This is because they do not require personal information such as age, gender, or location. When setting up a crypto wallet, you’ll typically need to create an account, enter some personal information, choose a secure password, and consider using 2-step verification for added security.

While wallets that are part of regulated crypto exchanges may have age restrictions, self-controlled crypto wallets do not. You have the freedom to choose a wallet that suits your needs, whether it’s a custodial wallet app or a self-controlled wallet.

Remember, it’s essential to do your research and choose a reputable wallet provider that prioritizes security. Look for wallets that offer features like encryption, backup options, and multi-factor authentication to ensure the safety of your digital assets.

So, if you’re under 18 and interested in having a crypto wallet, don’t worry! There are options available for you to get started. Whether you choose a custodial wallet app or seek assistance from your parents, make sure to stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect your cryptocurrencies.


18 responses to “Crypto Wallet Under 18: A Comprehensive Guide for Teens”

  1. EmilyCryptoGuru Avatar

    Investing in cryptocurrency under the age of 18 in the UK is indeed possible with the right guidance. Teenagers can explore the world of crypto wallets and start building their investment portfolio early on. It’s crucial to understand the regulations and restrictions in place for underage investors to make informed decisions. With platforms tailored for minors and parental support, young individuals can embark on their crypto journey responsibly. Embrace the potential of crypto investments and kickstart your financial literacy journey!

  2. EmmaSmith99 Avatar

    As a teenager myself, I believe that having access to crypto investments under 18 is crucial for financial education and independence. It’s essential to understand the risks involved and make informed decisions with the support of parents or guardians. I appreciate this guide for providing insights on how teens can navigate the world of cryptocurrency responsibly.

  3. Amy_Smith Avatar

    As a teenager in the UK, I find it frustrating that there are restrictions on investing in crypto under 18. It’s essential for young people to learn about responsible investing and have the opportunity to participate in the crypto market. I hope to see more accessible options for minors to start investing in cryptocurrencies. Education is key!

  4. AlexJones Avatar

    So, you’re interested in investing in cryptocurrency, but you’re under 18? You might be wondering if it’s possible to invest in crypto under 18 in the UK. As a teen myself, I believe that young individuals should have the opportunity to learn and participate in the exciting world of crypto investments. It’s important to educate yourself, seek parental guidance, and make informed decisions when venturing into this space. With the right knowledge and a responsible approach, teenagers can start building a promising financial future through crypto investments.

    1. SophieSmith Avatar

      As a fellow teen interested in crypto investments, I agree with your perspective, AlexJones. It’s crucial for young individuals to have access to financial education and opportunities in the crypto market, even under 18. With proper guidance and a cautious approach, teenagers can gain valuable experience and potentially grow their assets over time. Kudos to you for advocating for informed decision-making and responsible investing among teens!

  5. AliceInvests Avatar

    Investing in cryptocurrency under the age of 18 is a fascinating topic that many young individuals are exploring. It’s essential to understand the regulations and options available for teens looking to enter the crypto market. By learning about platforms like Coinbase and Binance that cater to underage investors, teenagers can start their investment journey responsibly. Stay informed, stay curious, and welcome to the world of crypto investments as a teen in the UK!

  6. Alexandra_1999 Avatar

    Yes, it is possible to invest in cryptocurrency even if you’re under 18 in the UK. Teenagers can explore the world of crypto wallets and investment options with the guidance of responsible adults. It’s crucial to understand the risks involved and make informed decisions when venturing into the crypto market at a young age.

  7. EmilySmith2003 Avatar

    Investing in cryptocurrency under the age of 18 can be a great opportunity to learn about financial markets and technology. As a teenager, it’s essential to educate yourself on the risks and benefits of crypto investments. Remember to seek guidance from parents or guardians and start with small amounts to practice safe investing habits. With the right knowledge and approach, teenagers can explore the world of crypto wallets responsibly.

  8. Alice_Techie Avatar

    Can you invest in crypto under 18 UK?

    1. MattCrypto Avatar

      Yes, it is possible for individuals under 18 in the UK to invest in cryptocurrency. There are platforms specifically designed for underage investors that provide opportunities to start building a crypto portfolio at a young age. It’s important to research and understand the regulations and guidelines to ensure a responsible approach to investing in crypto as a teenager.

  9. SophieSmith123 Avatar

    As a young investor under 18, I believe it’s crucial to have access to reliable information and platforms that cater specifically to minors in the world of cryptocurrency. This comprehensive guide seems like a great resource for teens looking to explore the realm of crypto wallets and investments. I’m excited to learn more about the legal aspects and smart investing tips mentioned in the article.

  10. AlexaSmith123 Avatar

    Investing in cryptocurrency under the age of 18 in the UK can be a complex matter. However, with the right guidance and resources, teens can navigate the world of crypto wallets and investments responsibly. It’s essential to understand the legal implications, parental support, and smart investing strategies before diving into the world of cryptocurrencies at a young age.

  11. Ashley1999 Avatar

    Can you invest in crypto under 18 UK?

    1. Charlie04 Avatar

      Yes, teenagers under 18 in the UK can invest in cryptocurrency. Although there are some restrictions and regulations in place, platforms like Coinbase and Binance offer solutions for young investors looking to venture into the world of crypto. Remember to always seek parental guidance and do thorough research before diving into investments.

  12. EmilyCrypto Avatar

    Yes, it is possible for teenagers under 18 in the UK to invest in cryptocurrency, although there are specific regulations and restrictions in place. It’s important to explore platforms like Coinbase and Binance that cater to underage investors, and understand the legal pathways involved. Exploring the world of crypto wallets as a teenager can be a valuable learning experience for building financial knowledge and skills.

  13. Emily_Smith Avatar

    Can you invest in crypto under 18 UK?

    1. Jamie_Watson Avatar

      Yes, underage individuals can invest in cryptocurrency in the UK. While there are restrictions and regulations in place, it is still possible for teenagers to engage in the crypto market. With the right guidance from parents and utilizing platforms like Coinbase and Binance, young investors can start their journey towards financial growth.

  14. AnnaSmith Avatar

    Can you invest in crypto under 18 in the UK?

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